Kelowna Futures Tennis Program
Design and text for annual tennis tournament program
Client: Kelowna Futures Tennis
Better Business Communication
Writing letters and emails: a one hour presentation with accompanying training manual
Client: Emil Anderson Construction
Supervisor Course
Instruction of the Supervisor Course including preparation of the training manual
Client: ACFC West
Provided content and assisted with overall look and feel of website
Client: Catholic Independent Schools of the Nelson Diocese
Provided content
Client: EraMedia
Provided content
Client: EraMedia
Contributed various articles on parenting from a Dad’s point of view
16 Movies That Celebrate Lives Well Lived; Sane or Senile? 10 Celebs Showing Signs of Advanced Dementia; Still Sexy After 50: 10 Senior Celeb Sirens; When Plastic Surgery Attacks: Celebs Under the Knife One Too Many Times; 10 Financial Lessons Your Grandparents Can Dust Off From the Last Depression; Senior Citizens Gone Wild: YouTube Doesn’t Lie…; Old Men Who Can Still Kick Your Ass
So What is the Point of Twitter, Anyway?; 5 Reasons Why Jack Nicholson Endures
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