Divorced a Ford Lately?

Has the Ford Motor Company completely lost its marbles? It is possible, what with imports repeatedly smacking the once mighty domestics upside the head. Times are tough for the big three. Over at Ford they claim to have set a new course. This latest turnaround attempt has been dubbed “bold moves.” “Bold moves” is right. […]
Billboard Ballyhoo

Some people don’t like billboards. In fact, they despise them. It’s a hatred that pulses deep within the core of their very existence. Mention billboards to these individuals and you can actually observe the aneurism forming in their frontal lobe. You see, in their view, billboards are an obstruction to the real beauty of our […]
Messin’ with Sasquatch

In elementary school I devoured all the books and magazine articles about Sasquatch or Bigfoot that I could find. The whole idea of a giant ape-man wandering around the woods, while fascinating, managed to scare the hell out of me. When it came to camping I was convinced it was only a matter of time […]
Eat FreshhHH!

I cannot stay quiet about this any longer. You see, I love Subway. I eat there every chance I get. So much so in fact, that I hate complaining about them in any fashion, but it has become so serious that I feel I have a duty to say something. Their current ads are infecting […]
Dairy Queen Insanity

Have you seen it yet? You must have. That Dairy Queen commercial. The one where the guy on the airplane puts his Blizzard down while he tries to load his bag into the overhead compartment. The bald guy in the seat next to our hero sees his opportunity and begins furiously eating his ice cream. […]
Parlez-Vous France?

Apparently, Paris needs tourists. Displaying the special brand of wisdom only marketing whizzes possess, we now get to see a rather classic French issue confronted head on. To market travel to France the powers that be are actually using the, shall we say, standoffish (some would say rude, insensitive and boorish, but not me) behavior […]
Smoking Hot Funny

Smokers have to be one of the most unfortunate minority groups wandering around these days. At least drunk driving is illegal. Smoking may be federally sanctioned, but when you can’t do it here, and you can’t do it there, smoking becomes somewhat difficult to even casually enjoy. Should you be fortunate enough to find a […]